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Healing with crystals is one of the skills students learn in our Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP) Program.

Holistic Health Practitioner

Our Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP) Program classes offer techniques and skills that enable students to practice awareness, self care, to heal themselves, help their families and pets, assist making life transitions with more ease and grace, bring more joy and balance to life, and/or integrate new helpful knowledge into their current healing practice or business. Even one class could change a life!
This program may be combined with the Hawaii DOE Accredited Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) Diploma program to receive our Quantum School of Massage & Holistic Health 'Signature' Holistic Massage Therapist (HMT) Diploma.

 2025 HHP Rolling Enrollment Dates

Enjoy Learning and start any month. All HHP classes maybe taken ala Carte for $35-50/credit hour on a space available basis. HHP diploma takes 10-18 months to complete 300 hours. Can be combined with LMT Program and save $4,000 toward dual diploma Holistic Massage Therapist. And complete the additional training in same time frame. Calendar subject to change.

 Nutritional Healing 24 hours
Brain Tuning Forks 4 hours
Reiki 2 Energy Healing 4 hours
Year of Snake Flower Essences for New Beginnings/Cycles 4 hours

Sky Yourself Emotional Healing 12 hours
Professional Boundaries: Dojo Practice
Osteo Forks for Body Tuning 4 hours
Minerals + Crystal Healing 20 hours (+ optional field trip Tuscon Gem Show)

Seraphic Healing - Energy Healing 6 hours
 Lu Jong Tibetan Yoga 8 hours
Sound Healing Intro 4 hours
Personal and Professional Development 20 hours

15 - 16  Cranio Sacral w/ Matt  12 hours
Reiki 1 4 hours
Developing Natural Intuition 20 hours
Cupping 4 hours
April: Quantum Spoon Bending w/ Gene Ang
Arcturian Healing Light (Gene Ang) Weekend format

Balancing Hormones Naturally 8 hours
Foot Reflexology 20 hours
Healing Touch 1 20 hours weekend format

Aromatherapy/Essential Oils 20 hours
Solstice Qi Kung for the Seasons
Healing Touch (20)
Meditation - Sound Healing

Homeopathy Intro
Ayurvedic Experience for Healing
Professional Development

August 2025 Sound Healing Summer Immersion (2 weeks) 40 hours

Martial Arts Massage + Lomi Intro

October  2025  Flower Essence Practitioner Level 3 (Big Island Hawaiian Flower Essences + Field Trip

November:  Herbal Healing (Plants and Herbs)

Hawaii Flower Essences Practitioner Level 4 w/ Melia Goodenow
Cranio-Sacral with Judy Ann
Applied Kinesiology|
Quantum Spoon Bending w/ Gene Ang
Arcturian Healing Light (Gene Ang)
Holy Nights: Color, Light, Vibration Therapy

To receive a Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP) diploma, students complete 300 Classroom hours integrating different styles of Energy and Universal Healing with Qi, including physical, energetic, emotional and mental health with the traditions of Healing Touch, Reiki, Seraphic,  and the natural healing world of Food, Herbs, Plants, Crystals,  Basic Nutritional Healing, Sound Healing Basics, Foot Reflexology and Cranio Sacral and Auricular micro systems, Personal and Professional Development and complete 50 Clinical hours of practice create a well rounded and grounded Holistic Health Practitioner able to work with clients of all ages and cultures.

The following courses comprise the hours of HHP:


Note: Students may choose between any of the following courses to build their 250 basic hours.
The clinic practice will be 50 hours.

  • Auricular PTSD Treatment (8 hrs)
  • Quantum Healing with Energy (20 hrs)
  • Healing With Crystals (20 hrs)
  • Reiki 1 (4 hrs)
  • Reiki 2 (4 hrs)
  • Personal & Professional Development (20 hrs)
  • Foot Reflexology 1 (20 hrs)
  • Sound Healing Intro (6 hrs)
  • Lotions & Potions (4 hrs)
  • Ayurvedic Nutrition (24)
  • Professional Boundries: Personal Safety Course for Professional Therapists (8)
  • Tuning Forks (for Mental Clarity) (4 hrs)
  • Applied Kinesiology (8 hrs)
  • Cranio- Sacral Foundations (16 hrs)
  • Aromatherapy / Essential OIls Foundation (20 hrs)
  • Hawaiian Flower Essences/Homeopathy (20 hrs)
  • Lu Jong (Tibetan 5 Element Yoga) (8 hrs)
  • Healing Touch Foundation (20 Hours)
  • SKY Yourself Emotional Body Clearing (10 hrs)
  • Qi Kung: Hormone Balancing (8 hrs)
  • Nutritional Healing 1 (20 hrs)
  • Quantum Spoon Bending (4 hours)



  • Ho'opono pono Spiritual Cleansing (8)
  • Healing Elemental Retreat (Big Island - week)
  • Martial Arts and Sport Resuscitation/Repairs (16)
  • Sound, Vibration and Frequency for Health (20)
  • Arcturian Healing Light 1 - weekend (16)
  • Seraphic Healing Weekend (10)
  • Developing your Natural Intuition (20 hours)
  • Color and LIght Therapy (12)
  • Lomi Lomi. Yuwara, Chant, Hula as a Cultural Healing Practice


SCHEDULE: Varies by course

DURATION: 8 - 10 months

LOCATION: Varies by course


With 50 hrs in a supervised clinical setting, or supervised outside events, students practice what they’ve learned.

  • The Holistic Health Practitioner DIPLOMA qualifies the student to apply to AADP (American Association of Drugless Practitioners) and become a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (the $350 application fee to AADP is not included in the tuition).


The Holistic Health Practitioner Program is an integrative hands-on, experiential program designed to prepare students for work as a holistic health practitioner. Graduates will enter the job market as highly attractive candidates for employment. They will also acquire the business and professional skills necessary for self-employment.  Students are requested to contact the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP) and their local state/provincial department of licensing and regulation for information on specific requirements for certification and licensing.


300 Academic Hours
(includes 50 Clinic Hours)
(6 - 10 months)


(basic price before Lab Fees, CC fee,  & HI GE Tax)

* when paid in full 30 days before semester begins.
use our payment plan option:
0%  interest rate. No Refund Contract.
REQUIRES: 50% down & 6-12 monthly payments, + $250 bookeeping fee,  3.5% CC fee.